Post & Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers

Saying “I Do” While Thinking “What If?”. 4 Benefits of Nuptial Agreements.

Many today consider any contract supposing separation to be wrong or even immoral. What they don’t consider are the many benefits of these agreements and how they can affect not only each spouse but many other areas as well.

You may need a Post & Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer

In the event that their is a separation, it needs to be decided up beforehand what belongs to the children and what does not. There may be a joining of two families at the time of the marriage and it needs to be settled how the inheritance is going to be divided up in the event of a divorce.

1. They protect the future security of the children. 

In the event that their is a separation, it needs to be decided up beforehand what belongs to the children and what does not. There may be a joining of two families at the time of the marriage and it needs to be settled how the inheritance is going to be divided up in the event of a divorce.

2. They protect your own financial stability.

Depending on who is the guilty party or even in the event of a “No Fault” divorce — prenuptial and postnuptial agreements can determine the allocation of assets, property and debt based on set terms in the contract.

3. They can secure alimony.

These agreements can be the basis of spousal support. Alimony is not a guarantee and in some cases denied. A Post & Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer can put this contract in place. They can provide you with more security for the future.

4. They reduce conflict.

When it is in writing there is not much you can fight about. Divorces are often sensitive due to the financial decisions needing to be made by both parties. With an agreement you can secure a much more peaceful rode ahead even when there is no peace.

If done properly and handled by experienced attorneys it doesn’t have to to awkward or a headache.

If you are considering having one drawn up, give us a call and a Post & Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer will help you step by step to ensure it is done right and updated as often as needed.