Child Support Lawyers

Child Support Is Not Mandatory. Understanding It Is.

When a couple divorces, two monetary issues are commonly raised:

  • How much will needed for the spouse?
  • How much support will be needed for the child

This first is called “alimony”. The second is called “child support”.

In the event of a divorce, neither party should ever assume a certain allotment of money from the other. When an agreement cannot be reached, the courts decide whether or not child support should be given and how much.

Divorce lawyers who know these proceedings well can help you calculate income and provide the necessary information to determine whether or not the amount is right for the child and in the eyes of the law.

In the event that your case has to go to court, the cost can be high. It is best for your family to have a Child Support Lawyer by your side from the beginning. We can help you to get a settlement that you are comfortable with as well as help you apply certain terms and conditions.

What if the ex-spouse will not pay?

If this occurs, you will need someone who can help you discern what is the right course of action. That action may be contempt of court, income withholding, garnishment or seizing of assets. Drastic measures are preventable by lawyers who have experience handling complicated situations such as these.

Our firm has the experience, skills and knowledge to help you resolve these delicate matters, but don’t delay.

Contact us for a free consultation and let us walk you through how you can reach a settlement that is right for you.