Child Custody Lawyers

What Will Happen To Our Child? Top 4 Concerns Parents Have About Child Custody

You have decided it is time to separate. Do you need to attain a Child Custody Lawyer?

The big question now is, “What will happen with the children?”. Handling child custody cases is never easy, but a Child Custody Lawyer can help get you started by offering some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions parents often ask:

1.  How is custody determined?

Lots of factors are weighed when determining the custody of your child, but among the most common are

  • The age and sex of your child along with emotional and mental development.
  • The emotional attachment that the child has with both parents and parents have with the child.
  • Social and educational environments and how well the child will adjust to each.
  • History of abuse and neglect if applicable.
  • Location of the parent and ability to provide stable and secure surroundings.

2.  Is it true that the courts favor the mother in custody hearings?

It used to be the case that the courts favored the mother in most instances, but what is of greater consideration is the total well-being of the child with either.

3. How will visitations be scheduled?

Again, what is in the best interest of the child is the determining factor. The parent’s schedules and various complications are considered, but what works best for the child matters most. It is always best if the parents can come to an agreement on a schedule that works best for both of them, but in the event that an agreement cannot be reached, the courts will decide.

4.  Do I need a Child Custody lawyer?

Yes. Child Custody cases are difficult. The best Child Custody Lawyer is one that has extensive experience in dealing with Family Law. They can provide you with the knowledge as well as the sensitivity needed in handling these matters. It is best to have contacted and have met with them before the proceedings begin so they can help you plan well for what is to come.

We are here to help. Consultation is free. Contact us today.